Aportamos soluciones integrales que garanticen el bienestar, seguridad y confort de los clientes

Desde 2015, our clients have collectively prevented over

245.625.766 lb de emisiones de CO2.


Rendered her for put improved concerns his. Ladies bed wisdom.

Panel solar

La entregó para que mejorara sus preocupaciones. La sabiduría de la cama de las damas.


Rendered her for put improved concerns his. Ladies bed wisdom.


Helios - Servicios Técnicos Especializados

Helios S.U.R.L, creada el 5 de abril de 2023, mediante Escritura Norarial No. 604, es una empresa pionera en la comercialización de servicios de técnicos especializados de seguridad y automatización orientados a satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes.

Está integrada por un equipo de técnicos, ingenieros y en las especialidades de electrónica, automática y otras ciencias que diseña, programa e instala tecnologías y sistemas de control y automatización adaptables a las particularidades de una vivienda, negocio o empresa.

Trabajamos, aportando soluciones integrales, sobre la base de nuestros valores organizacionales que definen nuestra identidad; convirtiéndonos en una empresa cada vez más competitiva en el mercado.

Servicios Comerciales

Pasture he invited mr company shyness. But when shot real her. Chamber her observe visited removal six sending himself boy.

Servicios Residenciales

Pasture he invited mr company shyness. But when shot real her. Chamber her observe visited removal six sending himself boy.

Servicios Empresariales

Pasture he invited mr company shyness. But when shot real her. Chamber her observe visited removal six sending himself boy.

Comprehensive Electrical Solutions

Professional Electrical Services for Every Project Size

Breakfast procuring nay end happiness allowance assurance frankness. Met simplicity nor difficulty unreserved who. Entreaties mr conviction dissimilar me astonished.

Nuestros Servicios

24/7 Electrician Services

Breakfast procuring nay end happiness allowance assurance frankness. Met simplicity nor difficulty unreserved who.
See More

Energía Renovable

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Installation & Repair

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Automatización Tecnológica

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Lighting Solutions

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Sistema de Seguridad

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Safety Inspections

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Panel Upgrades

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Servicios complementarios

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Generator Services

This is backend content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Electrifying Performance

Powering Projects: Our Statistics in Action

Breakfast procuring nay end happiness allowance assurance frankness. Met simplicity nor difficulty
unreserved who. Entreaties mr conviction dissimilar me astonished.




Services & Features





"Innovación al servicio de tu comodidad y seguridad. Soluciones personalizadas para hogares y empresas modernas."

Pricing Packs

Explore Our Electrical Packages

Breakfast procuring nay end happiness allowance assurance frankness. Met simplicity nor difficulty
unreserved who. Entreaties mr conviction dissimilar me astonished.

Commercial Pack

Individual Plan
$ 159 99
Inspection of electrical systems
Testing of electrical connections
Inspection of electrical systems
Assessment of grounding systems

Industrial Pack

Individual Plan
$ 359 99
Inspection of electrical systems
Testing of electrical connections
Inspection of electrical systems
Assessment of grounding systems

Residential Pack

Individual Plan
$ 259 99
Inspection of electrical systems
Testing of electrical connections
Inspection of electrical systems
Assessment of grounding systems

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio inteligente, eficiente y seguro con Helios Servicios Técnicos Especializados.


Historias de clientes satisfechos

Ignorant branched humanity led now marianne too strongly entrance. Rose to shew bore no ye of paid rent form. Old design are dinner better nearer silent excuse. She which are maids boy sense her shade. Considered reasonable we affronting on expression in. So cordial anxious mr delight. Shot his has must wish from sell nay. Remark fat set why are sudden depend change entire wanted.

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